Welcome to the enchanting world of White Cliffs, a hidden gem nestled in the northwest of New South Wales, Australia. This town's claim to fame lies in its opal mining heritage, a legacy that courses through the veins of its rugged landscape. What sets White Cliffs apart are the extraordinary dwellings, where its resilient residents have carved out a subterranean existence, seamlessly blending into the very hills that hold their treasures. One such resident, Norm, captivated me with his tale of straddling two worlds - dividing his time between his home in South Australia and the depths of White Cliffs. It's beneath the earth's surface that Norm truly comes alive, tirelessly chiseling away at the rock, hunting for that elusive shimmer of opal. I had the privilege of spending time in his cave-like abode, navigating through a maze of cavernous hallways that told stories of time and toil. Norm's dedication is awe-inspiring; on days when fortune eludes him, he seeks refuge in the cool embrace of the earth, where he patiently waits for the opal to reveal itself once more. This series is a tribute to the resilient spirit of White Cliffs and its inhabitants, who find beauty in the depths of the earth.

Summer Reverie


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